The Beginner's Guide to Using CBD

The Beginner's Guide to Using CBD

Heard about CBD everywhere and want to get started? You want to start a treatment but, suddenly, you don't know where to start... Don't panic! Discover the 5-step guide to using CBD for beginners now!

Guide to Using CBD

  1. Understanding CBD

When starting a new business, the first step is to be well informed about the subject. In this case, to know the right way to use CBD, you must first understand what is is CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid, a chemical family comprising natural and artificial substances with a wide variety of effects. Some elements have soothing and relaxing properties, others are classified as illegal substances.

CannaBiDiol is one of the molecules that does not cause any addiction and have no altering effect on the psyche and the physique. Extracted from cannabis, it is even granted beneficial virtues. And this, unlike THC (TetraHydroCannabinol), the most abundant of this plant. Indeed, this particle is highly psychoactive and is the main element of what is called "recreational hemp".

CBD has often been in the shadow of THC. It was only discovered in 1947, during a hazardous manipulation by the chemist Roger Adams. However, it was not until the 1960s that studies on this molecule began to be recognized. It is found to have anxiolytic properties, analgesic and anti-inflammatories, which are very useful for certain medical cases.

Is CBD legal in France?

Recognition of CBD took several years. Within Europe itself, each of the governments has legalized this cannabinoid at its own pace with its own regulations. However, the WHO (World Health Organization) has officially outlawed banning the use of CBD.

In fact, France had to review its position vis-à-vis the CBD. It is now legal in France to consume CBD products but under certain conditions. First of all, the purchase, sale and consumption by and for minors is prohibited. In addition, merchants are prohibited from presenting and promoting CBD as being a therapeutic product. CBD should be considered as a food supplement which should be combined with a healthy diet and regular sports activity.

In its legislation, France recalls that recreational hemp, i.e. high THC cannabis, is totally illegal.By extension, an order was issued on December 31, 2021 regarding hemp flowers and leaves It is now prohibited to sell, buy and consume unprocessed cannabis, whether for smoking or infusions.

  1. Analyze your symptoms

Discover now the second step of our guide to using CBD for beginners. Once the understanding of CBD has been acquired, it is high time to look into the evil that invades us.

Daily pains

Wellness providers strongly recommend the use of CBD products to combat everyday ailments. Thanks to its natural analgesic, anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is very popular in many cases.

For example, CBD relieves muscle and joint pain. In fact, athletes tend to use it in addition to their diet. But the molecule also acts on the immune system and rebalances the whole. Thus, the body protects itself from stress and calms down. By extension, it is also an effective remedy for restless nights. No more sleep disorders, thanks to CBD, the body enters a phase of repair which promotes falling asleep for a longer duration. Finally, skin problems such as acne or eczema can also be managed by taking CBD.

Serious illnesses

Beyond everyday ailments, CBD is a strong ally in the treatment of serious illnesses. Not as a miracle solution that cures but rather as daily aid against the serious effects of the said disease or the side effects of its treatment.

For example, CBD is used to treat inflammation and joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. It helps to slow the progression of autoimmune and chronic diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis or Crohn's disease. CBD even prevents the degeneration of diseases such as Alzheimer and other neurological disorders. In fact, it is becoming an important element in treatments for epilepsy or dystonia. Its antipsychotic properties make CannaBiDiol a valuable aid for obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic panic and post-traumatic stress disorder. On the other hand, its sedative properties promote calming of the mind and is used as part of a treatment against depression or even schizophrenia.

Finally, CBD is often used to soothe the side effects of heavy medical treatments. This concerns, for example, individuals with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy. The nausea and vomiting which almost inevitably occur can be soothed by taking of CBD.In addition, the molecule would increase the appetite, which can also be a relief for the body which needs a regular renewal of food intake

  1. Ask your doctor for advice

The CBD user guide strongly urges you to consult your doctor before making any decisions. This is the most important step in the process, due to the existence of counter- dangerous indications.

Be Vigilant

We tend to want to take lightly the consumption of CBD because this molecule is not not psychoactive. This is a monumental mistake! Each organism can react in a completely different way to one another. This is why it is critical that your doctor is aware of your intentions.

Some factors can influence the intake of CBD. In fact, it is imperative to know how to properly manage the effects of CBD on your body. For example, if you have nausea, dizziness or even irritations, it is best to stop the treatment and consult your doctor .


In general, there are certain situations that require increased vigilance and awareness of potential hazards. Although not prohibited by law, there are instances where consuming CBD becomes dangerous.

For example, if you experience some drowsiness after taking CBD, avoid risky activities! Do not take CBD to drive or work in an unsafe environment! In this spirit of avoiding any risk, it is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women to consume it. This is to prevent any consequences on newborns.

  1. Discover the right product

Now you are ready. You have understood what CBD is, you have made your arrangements and now you want to get started. But you are getting to the discovery phase of the CBD products available on the market. You still have questions about the best method of ingestion for you.

Ingestion methods

Processed cannabis can be used in many forms. Many products have therefore appeared over the years to be administered in different ways.

Swallowing CBD remains the most common method. This can be in the form of capsules, oil or dough. These products can be eaten directly or mixed into recipes (cream, sauce, cakes, guacamole, etc.).

The preferred method for cosmetics vendors is through the dermal route. CBD is available in several types of creams and other beauty products that women love.

CBD creams

With its withdrawal effect, lovers electronic cigarette will prefer the inhalation methodon CBD then comes in the form of e-liquid to insert into the tank.

CBD can also be consumed rectally or vaginally, in the form of suppository.

The duration of onset, effects and its intensity

To put it simply, each type of product has its own duration of onset, effects and intensity. It depends mainly on the method of ingestion but also on the reaction of each individual to each product. It is therefore recommended to test the products in order to find what suits you best.

In general, consumers prefer CBD oil to be applied under the tongue. Thanks to contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, the molecule circulates directly in the blood and the reactions are almost immediate for a longer duration.

Women will tend to prefer creams thanks to their relaxing and moisturizing properties of these. A daily application relieves in addition to many ailments such as fatigue, stress and pain.

Finally in the evening, those who are bothered by sleep disorders will enjoy vaping more . The relaxing effect is almost immediate for a good restful night.

  1. Know the dosage

Once the type of product has been chosen, it is imperative to respect the dosage provided. This is the last step of the beginner's guide to using CBD that must be respected, in order to avoid any risk.

Knowing how to use CBD

Factors to consider

To know the dose to take of each product, it is imperative to take into account many factors of importance. First of all is the weight of the consumer. Indeed, CBD is used in mg per kilo. We can already estimate the impact of CBD in relation to the mass of the individual.

Other criteria come into play such as the pathology that you want to treat, associated treatments and consumer tolerance. Without medical follow-up, many individuals use CBD without defining an adequate protocol. In fact, they do not know the CBD intake required by their body for beneficial use.

Estimated CBD intake

The ideal is to consult your doctor first. Otherwise, it is advisable to start with minimal doses of CBD and then increase gradually, if necessary.Your body will need a minimum of 2 hours between each intake of CBD

This is called “tiers”. This will allow the consumer to be aware of the sensations and effects experienced after use. A safety step not to be neglected. In addition, it takes at least one week to get an overview of the protocol in place.

It is worth remembering that CBD is a food supplement and not a medical treatment. It is used for the development of well-being to be combined with a healthy diet and regular sports activity. In addition, it is an unstoppable ally for the development of the libido and helping to lose weight.
